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4 Common Myths about Children and International Travel

When we think of international travel, many of us will not immediately think of traveling with children. International travel is something many people associate with young, childfree people or retirees whose children have already left the nest. But there are a lot of benefits to traveling with children. In today’s post, Otiko's Children's Books will debunk some myths about traveling with children. Read on to learn more and Explore more about traveling with kids with Sophie and Stephie! 

The Kids Won't Remember It, No Reason To Go

We do a lot of things for and with children that they won’t remember. Your child is unlikely to remember their first birthday party but that didn’t stop you from throwing one. We take them to toddler music classes and send them on playdates when they are too young to have any memory of these friends. Why? Because these things are good for their development. Travel is another thing that is good for a child’s development. 

International Travel Has To Be Expensive

Traveling with a family certainly can be expensive but it doesn’t have to be. Depending on where you want to go, you may be able to save a lot of money by forgoing airfare. Airfare is by far one of the biggest expenses when considering international travel. But if you live in a place where you can drive or take an alternate form of transportation, you can save a lot of money. Don’t forget, you don’t have to stay in five-star hotels to enjoy a new place. See where you can make cuts. It might still be worth it. 

Traveling With Kids is Dangerous

We’d never encourage anyone to take their family to a place where they would not be comfortable but traveling with kids does not have to be dangerous. There are plenty of countries with low crime rates and places that are perfectly safe for children to visit. Do some research and decide where you think you and your family would feel safe. 

Kids Won't Like the Foreign Food

If you have a picky eater on your hands, you may be thinking the idea of exploring different types of food is a lost cause. But you might be surprised what your child will like if they are willing to try it. Exposing your child to new cuisines and cultures can only broaden their horizons. Worst case scenario, they discover another thing they don’t like. But they might just discover a new favorite food! 

International travel is a great experience for people of all ages. If you are on the fence about traveling with kids, Otiko's Children's Books encourages you to take the plunge. Plan a family trip abroad and explore more about traveling with kids with Sophie and Stephie!